“My folks’ journey with St. Luke Homes & Services began with Riverview Terrace Assisted Living. They truly enjoyed the ease of their apartment and all of the amenities which accompanied that environment. With the advancement of dementia in my mother, transition to the St. Luke care center became necessary, with my dad visiting from Riverview Terrace. What a perfect ‘marriage,’ if you will, and support for both of my parents. The staff at both facilities is truly client-driven. I’m most grateful for the manners in which they ‘meet their clients where they are,’ treat them with the utmost respect and loving care.
“Riverview Terrace Assisted Living and St. Luke Lutheran Home are both safe havens and loving homes that come equipped, not only to meet the physical needs of your loved one, but the emotional and spiritual as well, with a family unit of its own!”

– Daughter from Ruthven, Iowa-

“Riverview Terrace provided a wonderful introduction into retirement by simplifying Mom’s day-to-day living and creating a safe and secure place called ‘home.’ The long walks down the corridor forced her to continue walking and keeping her physically active. Riverview Terrace’s staff and residents were engaged, courteous and caring.
“At St. Luke Lutheran Home, her excellent care continued. It didn’t matter what time of day or night we came to visit, Mom was always under good care. Our family was always treated with kindness and respect. After her passing, St. Luke staff held a small bedside memorial in her room that was heartfelt and appreciated.
“Our mother had strong opinions, a good sense of humor and a spirited zest for life. She wasn’t always easy. (Riverview Terrace and St. Luke Lutheran Home staff) treated her respectfully, kindly, and always with a smile. (They) took the time to joke, showed compassion, patience and unending support and love. Nellie continually told us how wonderful (St. Luke Lutheran Home and Riverview Terrace) staff was to her. They cared. … And, it was amazing to see this team working together to provide such excellent care.”

– Son from Minneapolis, Minnesota-

“My wife, mom and dad spent days checking out assisted living locations, and decided on Riverview Terrace Assisted Living. The people, staff, and everyone was amazing in helping Mom and Dad settle in. It took them a while to adjust to having staff checking on them all the time and helping them, but it took a load off Dad having help with medications and daily needs as Mom’s eyesight and hearing failed.
“At some point, Mom had what appeared to be a stroke. It was decided that she exceeded the basic needs at Riverview Terrace and was transferred to St. Luke Lutheran Nursing Home. Her care was caring and amazing; Dad went to visit and eat with her several times a day.
“Unbelievably, she eventually got so ‘back to normal’ that she was even allowed to return to Riverview! It was said that this had never been done.
“Later, Mom had a relapse and was transferred back to St. Luke. Dad decided his place was at her side.
“If it hadn’t been for the amazing care at each location, Dad would have failed trying to take proper care of Mom.
“Mom passed on a few years ago, and we were quite pleased with everything St. Luke and the hospice people did to help us and Dad at this time.
“The only complaint Dad ever had about either location was that they were constantly checking on him, and he needs that. We can’t say enough about Riverview Terrace and St. Luke Lutheran Home staff and services. God bless them all!
“We highly recommend them both.”

– Son from Milford, Iowa-

“It’s great to have so many nice people who treat everyone all the same. They are always looking out for you.  The kitchen will cook something special if you don’t like the meal being served, and the staff will come and get something for you if you can’t get to it.  That really means a lot. I don’t think I could be treated better anywhere else.”

– St. Luke Lutheran Home recent resident-


“St. Luke Lutheran Home is the best place to be if you need the care – mentally, physically, or medically. The atmosphere is very clean and there are fun activities to participate in.”

– St. Luke LUtheran Home recent resident-