Level of Care Private Room with 1/2 Bath Private Room, Share 1/2 Bath Double Occupancy
Basic Care $286 $281 $277
Larger Rooms $292    
Deluxe Rooms $296    
Tube Feeding/Isolation $307    


Bed Hold Rates

  Hospital Stays & Overnight passes $150
  Continued charge until personal belongings are removed by family members/responsible party  
  Permission to Facility to pack personal belongings $50

The Following Provided by St. Luke Lutheran Nursing Home

  • Over-the-counter medication when prescribed by physician/physician assistant
  • Dietary supplements when prescribed by physician/physician assistant
  • Wanderguard
  • Personal Alarms
  • Accu-check strips
  • Name tags
  • Personal Convenience Items: Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Toilet Paper, Kleenex, Deodorant
  • Medical Transportation Locally
  • Wheelchairs or Walkers
  • Laundry Services
  • Housekeeping Services

Additional Charges:

  • Physician Fees
  • Outside Consulting Services
  • Personal Telephone Line
  • Medication
  • Oxygen, as billed to St. Luke Lutheran Nursing Home
  • Laboratory Work
  • Out-Patient Hospital Services
  • Hospitalization Charges
  • Physical Therapy Charges - Not paid by insurance
  • Personal Transportation for non-medical purposes
  • Medical Transportation
  • Staff-Assisted Office Visits
  • Rides/Taxi Transportation for personal reasons
  • Long Distance Phone Calls
  • Durable Medical Supplies not furnished by St. Luke
  • Personal Supplies not normally provided by St. Luke
  • Hair Salon/Barber Shop Costs
  • Window Air Conditioner Rental
  • Personal Window Air Conditioners installed (limited units available)