The Highlands
Independent Living













Refundable Occupancy Fee Schedule

E Deluxe $160,000
A Corner $138,500
A $133,500
B Corner $114,500
B $112,500
C $95,000


Guaranteed Refund Schedule

Refund is reduced by 1% each year for 10 years

1% per year for up to 10 years
Refunds are based on the original price paid for the unit and will be made within 60 days of resale.


Monthly Service Fee Schedule

The Service Fee includes use of The Highlands Commons; insurance on the building; all utilities, central heating & air conditioning; cable TV/expanded basic; heated garage; maintenance of building, grounds and appliances; emergency medical response system and management expenses.

Floor Plan Options Monthly Fee
(Taxes not included)

  Single Occupancy Double Occupancy
E $750 $800
A Corner $630 $675
A $600 $645
B $560 $605
C $505 $550


NOTE: We require each Highlander to pay a non-refundable processing fee of $150 upon reserving their unit. 10% of the occupancy fee is due upon signing the Homeowners Agreement, with the remaining 90% of the occupancy fee due within 30 calendar days of signing the Homeowners Agreement or before move-in should the homeowner(s) need to move in sooner than 30 calendar days.

St. Luke Homes & Services reserves the right to change pricing.